
Spring 2025

The schedule below is a guide to what we will be covering throughout the semester and is subject to change to meet the learning goals of the class. Check this website regularly for the latest schedule and for course materials that will be posted here through links on the syllabus.

Key to books used below
va H:
Event Type Date Description Readings Course Materials
Lecture 1 Thursday
Jan 9
What is machine learning?
Course overview and an orientation to the major branches of machine learning: supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning
None [slides]
Module 1: Supervised Learning
Jan 14
Make up on Friday 1/17
Lecture 2 Thursday
Jan 16
An end-to-end machine learning example
An introduction to formulating a supervised machine learning problem. Stating the problem, creating the model, evaluating performance, and operationalizing the solution.
ISL Ch. 1 + 2.1
Watch this lecture
[sample code]
Lecture 3 Friday
Jan 17
How flexible should my algorithms be? The bias-variance tradeoff
The bias-variance tradeoff explained using K-nearest neighbors classification
ISL 2.2 [slides]
Jan 20
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Lecture 4 Tuesday
Jan 21
Linear Models I
Simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, measuring error, model fitting and least squares, comparing linear regression and classification
ISL Intro of 3, 3.1, and 3.2 [slides]
Deliverable Wednesday
Jan 22
Assignment #1 Due (at 9pm)
Probability, Linear Algebra, & Computational Programming
Lecture 5 Thursday
Jan 23
Linear Models II
Nonlinear transformations of predictors; linear models for classification including the perceptron and logistic regression; cost/loss functions for classification (cross entropy loss); introduction to gradient descent.
ISL 3.3 and 3.5 [slides]
Lecture 6 Tuesday
Jan 28
Performance evaluation: metrics for regression/classification
Choosing the right model: accuracy vs speed vs interpretability; metrics for supervised learning performance evaluation: types of errors, receiver operating characteristics curves, and confusion matrices
ISL 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 [slides]
Lecture 7 Thursday
January 30
Experimental designs for evaluating generalization performance and model comparison
How to construct effective experimental designs for evaluating and comparing models; using model performance metrics to measure generalization performance; resampling techniques: training, testing, and validation datasets and cross validation; common pitfalls around biased sampling and data snooping/leakage
ISL 5.1 and 5.2 [slides]
Lecture 8 Tuesday
Feb 4
Decision theory
A risk-based framework for determining to operate supervised learning algorithms in practice; choosing ROC operating points through risk-minimization and how application-specific costs associated with different types of errors can be used to determine optimal operating points for classifiers
Link to reading [slides]
Deliverable Wednesday
Feb 5
Assignment #2 Due (at 9pm)
Supervised Machine Learning Fundamentals
Lecture 9 Thursday
Feb 6
Reducing overfit
Feature selection; Occam’s razor; Subset selection; L1 (ridge), L2 (LASSO), and elastic net regularization; early stopping.
ISL 6.1 and 6.2 [slides]
Lecture 10 Tuesday
Feb 11
Generative models for classification
Generative vs discriminative models; naïve Bayes
ISL 4.4 and 4.5 [slides]
Lecture 11 Thursday
Feb 13
Tree-based models and ensembles
From decision trees to random forests: bagging, bootstrapping, and boosting
ISL 8.1 and 8.2 [slides]
Lecture 12 Tuesday
Feb 18
Neural networks I
Introduction to neural networks and representation learning; forward propagation, network architecture, and how to adapt to regression or classification problems
UDL Ch 3: 3.1, 3.2; PRML Ch 5: 5.1 [slides]
Lecture 13 Thursday
Feb 20
Neural networks II
Fitting a neural network to training data through gradient descent and backpropagation; how backpropagation is used to compute gradients in neural networks; hyperparameters and architecture choices in neural networks and practices for training neural networks warningfully
UDL Ch 6: 6.1-6.2.2; PRML Ch 5: 5.3.1, and Calculus on Computational Graphs [slides]
Deliverable Friday
Feb 19
Feb 21
Assignment #3 Due (at 9pm)
Supervised learning model training and evaluation
Lecture 14 Tuesday
Feb 25
Introduction to Deep learning I
Common architectures of deep learning models and the tools used to implement them
UDL Ch 10: Convolutional Neural Networks [slides]
Lecture 15 Thursday
Feb 27
Introduction to Deep learning II
Common architectures of deep learning models and the tools used to implement them
DL Ch 11: Practical Methodology
UDL Ch 12.1-12.5: Transformers
Module 2: Unsupervised Learning
Lecture 16 Tuesday
Mar 4
Dimensionality reduction
The Curse of Dimensionality and intro to principal components analysis (PCA)
ISL 6.3, 6.4, 12.1, and 12.2 [slides]
Lecture 17 Thursday
Mar 6
Principal components analysis (PCA)
Explaining how PCA works and how we calculate the principal components.
ISL 12.4 [slides]
Deliverable Thursday
Mar 6
Assignment #4 Due (at 9pm)
Neural Networks
[NN Math Guide]
Deliverable Friday
Mar 7
Project Proposal Due (at 9pm) [project]
Mar 8-16 Spring Break Week
Lecture 18 Tuesday
Mar 18
Clustering I
From K-means to Gaussian mixture model clustering and Expectation Maximization
DM Ch 7 (link): Intro, 7.1 and 7.2 [slides]
Lecture 19 Thursday
Mar 20
Clustering II
Hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN, and spectral clustering
DM Ch 7 (link): 7.3 and 7.4 [slides]
Module 3: Reinforcement Learning
Lecture 20 Tuesday
Mar 25
Reinforcement Learning I
Formulating the reinforcement learning problem
RL Ch 1: 1.1-1.6; Ch 2: 2.1-2.5 [slides]
Deliverable Wednesday
Mar 26
Assignment #5 Due (at 9pm)
Kaggle Competition and Unsupervised Learning
Kaggle Competition Ends 9pm on Tuesday Mar 25
Lecture 21 Thursday
Mar 27
Reinforcement Learning II
Policy and value functions, rewards, and introduction to Markov processes
RL Ch 3 [slides]
Lecture 22 Tuesday
Apr 1
Reinforcement Learning III
From Markov Chains to Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)
RL Ch 4 [slides]
Lecture 23 Thursday
Apr 3
Reinforcement Learning IV
Finding optimal policies through policy iteration, value iteration, and Monte Carlo methods
RL Ch 5: 5.1-5.3 [slides]
Module 4: Practical Considerations and Advanced Topics
Lecture 24 Tuesday
Apr 8
Practical Considerations and Advanced Topics I
A survey of practical considerations and advanced topics
None [slides]
Lecture 25 Thursday
Apr 10
Practical Considerations and Advanced Topics II
A survey of practical considerations and advanced topics
None [slides]
Lecture 26 Tuesday
Apr 15
Practical Considerations and Advanced Topics III
A survey of practical considerations and advanced topics
None [slides]
Deliverable Wednesday
Apr 16
Draft Final Project Report Due (at 9pm) [project]
Deliverable Wednesday
Apr 16
(Optional) Assignment #6 Due (at 9pm)
Reinforcement learning
Deliverable Wednesday
Apr 30
Final project showcase
Meets during the final exam period

Due on this day:
  • Final Project Report (due by 9am on GradeScope)
  • Final Project Presentation (due by 9am; submit link to presentation here)
  • Project Github Repository (due by 9am on GradeScope)
  • Final Project Peer Evaluation (due by 9pm; submit via TEAMMATES, see email)