Assignment Instructions

IDS:705 Principles of Machine Learning

How to submit assignments

  1. Place your answer in the indicated place in the document. Each question is followed by one or more sections, each with an empty cell called “ANSWER”. Insert your answer for that question below the word “ANSWER”. You may use multiple cells for each answer that include both markdown and code.
  2. Ensure that all cells have been run. Cells that have not been run will be treated as unanswered questions and assigned zero points.
  3. Create a PDF document of your notebook. There are a few ways to do this. Please see the guide below.
  4. Check that your content is easily legible prior to submission. Look over your PDF before you submit it. If we cannot read it, or parts are missing, we cannot grade it, and no credit will be given for anything we cannot read.
  5. Submit your pdf by the deadline on gradescope. Any assignments received after the deadline will be treated as late. Please see this video for how to submit your assignment on gradescope. The submission link is here:
  6. Assign the respective pages to each question. When you submit your assignment on Gradescope, you will be asked to assign pages of your PDF to each question accordingly. Please remember, as stated in item 4, if we cannot find your answer, we cannot grade it.

See below for a checklist for your document before you submit.

Jupyter Notebooks

If you could use help getting started or a refresher on Jupyter notebooks, check out this video for more on basic Jupyter functionality. Using Jupyter notebooks allows you to practice applying machine learning concepts while building programming and writing skills, strengthening your ability to both create creative solutions to machine learning challenges while simultaneously enhancing your ability to communicate the meaning behind your findings and why others should give credence to your results.

Rendering a PDF file

Option 1: Render from VS Code (without additional extensions)

We recommend using VS Code for this course and for use in developing your Jupyter notebooks. Rendering pdfs from Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code has a couple of extra steps, though. To render a pdf without any additional extensions, you do the following:

  1. Open your notebook in VS code and hit the ellipsis (the three horizontal dots) just to the right of the tools for your notebook:

  1. Click “Export”:

  1. Select “HTML” (exporting to pdf won’t work without the installation of additional tools):

  1. Open the HTML file you just saved in Chrome:

  1. Click the options button (three vertical dots) and click “print”:

  1. Select the destination as “Save as PDF” and click “Save”:

  1. Voila! You should have a pdf

Option 2: Render from VS Code with Quarto and LaTeX

You can save a lot of the above steps if you’re willing to install 2 things: 1. Install Quarto, which is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system (great for making websites and blogs for your professional portfolio). 2. Install the Quarto VS Code extension 3. Install a version of tex for your operating system. 4. Once you do this, you can directly export your documents to pdf:

Option 3: Render from Jupyter Notebooks

Open your notebook in a Jupyter Notebook in Google Chrome. Go to File->Print Preview, then after verifying the document looks correct, click “print” and for your printer choose “Save as PDF.”

Whichever method you choose - always check your pdf before submitting to make sure everything is rendered and nothing is cut off!

Assignment Grading

Assignment grading will consist of two components: content (90%) and presentation (10%). The content grade will be based on the accuracy and completeness (including the depth) of your answers to each question. If a question asks you to explain, hypothesize, or otherwise think critically, be sure to demonstrate your critical engagement with the question. The presentation score will be based on how well you communicate in writing, figure creation, and coding. Clear writing (with appropriate grammar and spelling), organized answers, well-organized/commented code, and properly formatted figures will ensure your success on the presentation component of the assignment.

Example Question and Response

Below is an example question to demonstrate how to answer a question using a Jupyter notebook.

Calculate the (a) first and (b) second derivative of \(f(t) = t^3\). lastly, (c) numerically evaluate the second derivative for \(t=3\). If \(t\) represents time (seconds) and \(f\) represents distance of a ball over time (in meters), then (d) what does the second derivative at \(t=3\) mean?


The first and second derivatives are calculated as follows:

(a) The first derivative is: \[ \frac{df}{dt} = 3t^2\]

(b) The second derivative is: \[ \frac{d^2f}{dt^2} = 6t\]

(c) We calculate the second derivative at time \(t=3\) as follows:

# (c) Numerically evaluate the second derivative for f(x)

# Initialize variables for the analysis
t = 3

# Compute the derivative
df2 = 6 * t

print('(c) The second derivative at t = 3 is {}'.format(df2))
(c) The second derivative at t = 3 is 18

(d) This derivative, which is the second derivative of distance with respect to time represents the acceleration of the ball in \(m^2\) per second. This shows how quickly the ball is increasing its speed over time.

Figure Example:

Here is an example of a well-prepared figure that checks all of the requirements for good figures. To demonstrate we’ll start by loading some data to plot (the example here is from the lecture on bias-variance tradeoff):

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle

# Load the data for plotting
datafilename = './plot_example_data/data.pkl'
infile = open(datafilename,'rb')
loaded_data = pickle.load(infile)

# Store the loaded data in convenient variable names
kvalues = loaded_data['kvalues']
error_training = loaded_data['error_training']
error_testing = loaded_data['error_testing']
error_bayesclf = loaded_data['error_bayesclf']

# Choose colors that will be distinguishable from one another
color0 = '#121619' # Dark grey
color1 = '#00B050' # Green
color2 = '#7c7c7c' # Light grey

Then, we create the plot:

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina' # Make clear on high-res screens

# Create the plot
plt.figure(figsize=(7,5), dpi= 100) # Adjust the figure size and dots per inch 
plt.semilogx(kvalues,error_training,color=color0,label='Training (in-sample)')
plt.semilogx(kvalues,error_testing,color=color1,label='Test (out-of-sample)')
plt.semilogx(kvalues,error_bayesclf,'--',color=color2,label='Bayes (optimal)')
plt.xlabel('k nearest neighbors') # Always use X and Y labels
plt.ylabel('Binary Classification Error Rate')
plt.axis([1,200,0,0.5]) # Ensure the axis is the right size for the plot data
plt.tight_layout() # Use this to maximize the use of space in the figure

Note the clear x and y axis labels and legends - there are no acronyms or shorthands used, just the full description of what is being plotted. Also note how easy it is to compare the color of lines and identify the baseline (Bayes) comparison line. Make your plots easy to read and understand.

Checklist before submitting your assignment

  1. Answers are placed in the indicated place in the document. Each question is followed by one or more sections, each with an empty cell called “ANSWER”. Insert your answer for that question below the word “ANSWER”. You may use multiple cells for each answer that include both markdown and code. For full credit, submitted assignments should be easily navigable with answers for subquestions clearly indicated (e.g. using “(a)” to indicate a subquestion).
  2. All cells have been run. Cells that have not been run will be treated as unanswered questions and assigned zero points.
  3. Your submission is a PDF document. See guidelines above
  4. Your content is legible prior to submission. Look over your PDF before you submit it. If we cannot read it, or parts are missing, we cannot grade it, and no credit will be given for anything we cannot read or is missing.
    • Code is valid (able to run and producing the correct answer), neat, understandable, and well commented.
    • Math is typeset using LateX equations.
    • All text that is not code should be formatted using markdown. Two references to help include: ref1 and ref2.
  5. Descriptive text provides adequate detail to answer questions. When questions as “why” or for you to describe findings, the expectation is that the response will be much more than one or two words.
  6. Proper grammar and spelling are expected throughout

Figure checklist

  1. All plots should have axes labels and legible fonts (large enough to read).
  2. Legends are used when there are multiple series plotted on a single plot.
  3. Figures are crisp and clear - there are no blurry figures.
  4. Markers on plots are properly sized (e.g. not be too big nor too small) and/or have the appropriate level of transparency to be able to clearly read the data without obscuring other data.
  5. If there are multiple colors used on a plot, EVERY color can be distinguished from the rest.


Some questions on the assignments are adapted from sources including:
1. James et al., An Introduction to Statistical Learning
2. Abu-Mostafa, Yaser, Learning from Data
3. Weinberger, Kilian, Machine Learning CS4780, Cornell University